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Reading List for June 2021

The first half of 2021 has now concluded, which means it is time for me to post the list of titles that I read during June of 2021. As mentioned in the Reading List of May 2021 post, I did end up listening to fewer items over the course of June than in previous months. Here is what I did manage to listen to. Out of the nine titles that I listened to, there was only one new title, the others I have previously listened to them. The reason for not listening to as many books is due to working on my books about Apple's new operating systems.

Disclaimer: The links below will provide a bit of a commission if you purchase anything.

Title Author First Listen
No Matter How Loud I Shout: A Year in the life of Juvenile Court Ed Humes No
Invasion of the Body Snatchers Jack Finney No
Caves of Steel Isaac Asimov No
Agent to the Stars John Scalzi No
Kill Decision Daniel Suarez No
The American West: History, Myth, and Legend (Great Courses) Patrick Allitt No
The President’s Daughter Bill Clinton and James Patterson Yes
London: A short History of the Greatest City in the Western World (Great Courses) Robert Bucholz No
Turning Points in Medieval History (Great Courses) Dorsey Armstrong No
Total   9

Previous Reading Lists:
