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August 1, 2023

Lack of Time

I've noticed that either I don't have enough time to do what I would like, or that time is speeding up, take your choice, either one.

I'd love to have a couple hours to sit down and really work on my web app and have my brain sit and actually want to work on it. But I haven't been in the mood to do such things lately. I know I need to work on it, but I just can't get motivated enough to really put a ton of time into it.

The other thing I haven't had time to do much of lately is read my OS X 10.5 Leopard support book. I did read a bit earlier this week but not really a ton. I do need to find time to continue reading the book so I can take the certification test, which I wanted to do back in May. If the darn thing only came as an audiobook I would have already listened to it, twice probably, and taken the certification test. I know it doesn't sound that interesting to most, but Audio is definitely a better format for me. Alas until that occurs I'll just have to make time for it...
