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MP's Wedding

well, the wedding was pretty good, Amanda was almost in tears during the vows, but she held herself together. It was a little toasty in the church, since there was no air conditioning in it. The Limo ride was alright, we watched part of Old school, and stopped at McDonalds... yes, I know, we were on our way to the reception, but dinner wasn't until 8:00.. the reception went rather well as well... my toast was short and sweet, while the Matron of Honor's, Gina, speech wasn't so short. I had revised my toast after the rehersal.

So the whole day was pretty good, MP and Amanda are off to Hawaii for two weeks... he said he'll give me a call, except I don't know how much time he'll actually have... oh well... he'll enjoy it all the same... I bet they're counting all the money they got right now...
