Archive for December 2005 - Page 3



    I just love how I'm excluded from absolutely everything... nobody asks me what I would like for dinner... nobody asks me what's new... nobody asks how work was... and nobody ever asks what I want....

    additionally nobody ever initiates conversation with me... I'm always the one to initiate the conversation with people... and then when I do, they're always too busy and never interested in what I have to say....

    I also enjoy the fact that people assume that I can't hear them whenever I'm wearing my headphones.... unlike most, I don't want to blow out my hearing... so I never have my music that loud.

    oh well...


    Radio Station Playlists

    So, now has a list of the songs that they've played in the last 24 Hours... which is nice... except they're not playing songs by Artists that deserve to be played. It's annoying when you turn on the radio and the same song is on 2 hours after you just heard it. Is there really so little music out that Radio stations can't play something more recent. I don't mind the songs from like 10+ years ago, it's nice to hear them once in a while. But there are some songs that are new, and they've played before, but now all of a sudden it's no longer played... what's up with that?


    Battlefield 2

    So I was playing Battlefield 2 tonight, and I managed to get like 7 awards and ribbons for the game. That's the most that I have gotten in any one sitting... usually I am lucky if I get just one medal or ribbon.

    Battlefield 2:
    • Bronze Star - 3rd Highest Score in a Round
    • Gold Star - Highest Score in a Round
    • Combat Action Ribbon
    • Veteran Command
    • Good Conduct Ribbon

      Battlefield 2: Special Forces
    • Basic Support Specialist
    • Basic Anti-Tank Specialist

    Annoyed and Irritated

    I hate it when people say they're going to do something, and then they don't.. They claim "I forgot"... well obviously it's not important enough for you to think about others.... so I give up.


    Nothing in Particular

    So, I went and did some more Holiday shopping today, because I had nothing else to do. I only have a little left to do, and then I'm done.

    anyway, that's it.
